1. Colostrum is a rich From breast milk, except ?

(A). potassium 

(B). Fat

(C). carbohydrate 

(D). All

Correct Answer (D);

2. Optimum time to start weaning ?

(A). 3 month 

(B). 6 month

(C). 9 month 

(D). at birth

Correct Answer (B);

3. Which factor present in breast milk may cause jaundice in new born ?

(A). pregnandiol 

(B). Glucoronyl transferase

(C). galactose 

(D). IgA

Correct Answer (A);

4. Most common congenital cardiac anomaly in down syndrome is ?

(A). endocardial cushion defect

(B). VSD

(C). PDA 

(D). PS

Correct Answer (A);

5. Which test does not include in triple Marker test ?

(A). AFP 

(B). beta HCG

(C). inhibin A 

(D). unconjugated estriol

Correct Answer (C);

6. 30 year old chronic alcoholic patient having severe pain abdomen in epigastric region referring to back, which of the following enzyme most likely correlate with this disease ? 

(A). serum amylase 

(B). alanine transferases

(C). aspartate transferases

(D). carbonic anhydrase

Correct Answer (A);

7. Hormone responsible for spermatogenesis ?

(A). FSH 

(B). LH

(C). testesterone 

(D). All

Correct Answer (D);

8. Most common cause of death in carcinoma cervix is 

(A). Haemorrhage 

(B). uremia

(C). infection 

(D). cardiac arrest

Correct Answer (B);

9. World diabetes day is celebrated on ?

(A). 14 November 

(B). 14 February

(C). 14 December 

(D). 14 June

Correct Answer (A);

10. A 60 year old patient diagnosed with metastatic squamous cell lung carcinoma which of the following is most common site for metastasis ? 

(A). stomach 

(B). liver

(C). spleen 

(D). kidney

Correct Answer (B);

11. Best method can be used for sterilization of catheter is-

(A). fumigation 

(B). boiling

(C). radiation 

(D). autoclave

Correct Answer (C);

12. Bishop score is used for assessing-

(A). fetal well being

(B). progress of labour

(C). induction of labour

(D). gestational age of foetus

Correct Answer (C);

13. Most sensitive Marker for production of preterm labour is

(A). serum PGF 2α 

(B). fibronectin

(C). cervical length 

(D). serum ferritin

Correct Answer (B);

14. A 28 year old female coming to OPD for complaint of vaginal bleeding from last 2 days.Her urine Pregnancy Test is positive ,on ultrasonography\partial vesicular mole is diagnosed. which of the following genotype found most likely in this foetus- 

(A). haploid (B). diploid

(C). triploid (D). polyploid

Correct Answer (C);

15. A 35 Yr. old pregnant female coming at ultrasound centre for TIFFA Scan at 20 weeks. which of the following ultrasonographic finding strongly favour the diagnosis of down syndrome- 

(i) cystic hygroma (ii)brachycephaly 

(iii)clinodactyly (iv)esophageal atresia



(C). (i)(iii)&(iv) 

(D). all

Correct Answer (A);

16. A pregnant female with complaint of vaginal bleeding on and off from 3-4 days diagnosed with incomplete abortion. which of the following symptom is seen except-

(A). closed cervical os 

(B). size of uterus less than period of amenorrhea

(C). history of passage of product of conception

(D). RPOC seen in ultrasound

Correct Answer (A);

17. all of the following are contraindication of induction of labour except-

(A). Placenta previa 

(B). fetal macrosomia

(C). Cord presentation

(D). cephalopelvic disproportion

Correct Answer (B);

18. All of the following bones are found in hand except-

(A). scaphoid 

(B). lunate

(C). navicular 


Correct Answer (C);

19. A 60 year old patient having fracture neck of femur, which of the following finding nurse should seen-

(A). abduction with internal rotation

(B). abduction with external rotation

(C). shortening of the affected extremity with external rotation

(D). lengthening of the affected extrimity with internal rotation

Correct Answer (C);

20. intra dermal injection is given at-

(A). 15 degree 

(B). 30 degree

(C). 45 degree 

(D). 90 degree

Correct Answer (A);



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