NORCET SPECIAL 20-20 Test Series (Previous Paper )


Q1.Muscles of thigh present in anterior aspect? 

a). Rectus femoris. 

 b). Hamstring. 

 c). Deltoid. 

 d). Tibialis anterior. 

Correct Answer (A)

Q.2 Functions of cerebellum is all except? 

a). Maintenance of muscle tone. 

 b). Maintenance of posture. 

c). Equilibrium. 

 d). Hearing. 

Correct Answer(D);

Q.3.The parts of brain stem are? 

a). Midbrain, pons and medulla. 

b). Pons and medulla. 

 c). Midbrain and medulla. 

 d). Pons Cerebellum and medulla. 

Correct Answer(A)

Q.4.All are sinuses are belong to paranasal sinuses except? 

a). Maxillary. 

b). Ethmoid. 

c). Sphenoid. 

d). Mastoid. 

Correct Answer (D)

Q5.The spleen lies against? 

a). 6th 7th 8th ribs. 

 b). 7th 8th 9th ribs. 

 c). 8th 9th and 10th ribs. 

 d). 9th 10th and 11th ribs.  

Correct Answer(d)

Q.6 The functions of nasal cavity in relation of ventilation are following except? 

a). Warming up inspired air to body temperature. 

 b). Humidity the air up to 100% saturation. 

 c). Removal of particulate matter from air. 

 d). Disinfect the air entering in to lungs. 

Correct Answer(d)

Q.7 All the statements are true regarding peripheral chemoreceptor except? 

a). Located in carotid body. 

b). Stimulated by fall in PaCO2. 

c). Have type 2 epithelial cells. 

d). Not stimulated by fall in PaO2. 

Correct Answer(d)

8. Prolonged stay in space will lead to all of the following changes in the body except? 

a). Decrease blood volume. 

b). Decrease hematocrit. 

c). Increase cardiac output. 

d). Decrease muscle strength. 

Correct Answer(c)

9. Fleeting abdominal pain due to follicular bleeding causing peritoneal irritation is called as? 

a). Corpus hemorrhagicum. 

b). Mittelschmerz. 

c). Corpus luteum. 

d). Corpus albicans. 

Correct Answer(b)

Q10.All of the following enzymes are present in Leydig cells except? 

a). CYPscc. 

b). 17-alpha hydroxylase. 

c). 21-hydraxylase. 

d). 17,20 lyase. 

Correct Answer(c)

Q11.What is the term used for normal respiratory rhythm and depth in a client? 

a). Eupnea.  

b). Apnea. 

c). Bradypnea. 

Correct answer a

Q.12.Which of the following situation is considered as an intentional tort? 

a). Nurse miscounts the gauze pads during a surgery. 

b).Nurse divulges private information about the patient to media. 

c).Nurse fails to monitor blood pressure when administering an anti-hypertensive to drugs. 

d).Nurse causes a burn when applying a warm soak to legs. 

Correct Answer(b)

Q13.Nature of illness, characteristics comes under which types of variable? 

a). Internal variable. 

b). External variable. 

c). Extraneous variables. 

 d). All of the above.variables 

Correct Answer(a)

Q.14.Pus in urine called? 

a). Pyuria. 

b). Polyuria. 

 c). Pusuria. 

 d). Dysuria. 

Correct Answer(a)

Q15.Sigmoidoscopy done in which position? 

a). Lithotomy position. 

 b). Jack knife position. 

 c). Fowlers position.

d). Knee chest position. 

Correct Answer(d)

Q16.In Gluten intolerance, the following is not recommended? 

a). Wheat. 

b). Rye. 

 c). Oats. 

d). All of these. 

Correct Answer(d)

Q17 Highest energy yielding food group is? 

a). Carbohydrates. 

b). Fats. 

c). Sugars. 

 d). Protein. 

Correct Answer(b)

Q18.Due to glycosis in post mortem muscles there is accumulation of? 

a). Carbon. 

 b). Lactic acid. 

 c). Oxygen. 

 d). Blood. 

Correct Answer(b)

Q19.World diabetes day is celebrated on? 

a.14th September. 

b.14th August. 

c.14th November. 

d. 24th January.

(Correct Answer(c)

Q20.Tissues form glucose. This phenomenon is termed as? 

a). Aerobic Glycolysis. 

b). Oxidation. 

c). Oxidative phosphorylation.

d). Anaerobic glycolysis. 

Correct Answer(d)



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